Patrick Terminals Fee Increases

Patrick Terminals Fee Increases

Patrick Terminals has announced the below proposed fee increases which is part of its Landside and Ancillary Charges. These fees contribute to their Landside Investment Overview, which is an investment program worth $350 million aimed at supporting the provision of efficient landside service levels for their landside customers and Australian shippers.

The proposed fee increases are as follows:

Landside charge (TAC) for full imports

  • Melbourne: +20%. Sydney: +22.52%. Brisbane: +25%. Fremantle: +41.68%

Landside charge (TAC) for full exports

  • Melbourne and Brisbane: +7.51%. Sydney: +7.53%. Fremantle: +41.68%

VBS booking fee

  • Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane: +15.06%. Fremantle: +14.98%

Most other VBS-related and ancillary charges have increased by 7.50% with the exception of the Side Loader Fee in each terminal, which will rise by 9.55%.

Out-of-Gauge (OOG) container storage: Patrick proposes a higher rate per day for storage of OOG containers beyond the three days’ free time.

For more detailed fee information, please click here.


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